he past few years have been relatively quiet when it comes to hurricanes and tropical storms hitting Maryland. However, over the past decade, Maryland and our Mid-Atlantic neighbors have experienced significant impacts from storms like Isabel, Irene, and Sandy.
Hurricane preparedness shouldn’t be a last-minute task. It’s an ongoing process to ensure you’re ready for when—not if—the next storm comes.
It seems like each storm hits our area harder than the last. Don’t you agree?
Don’t You Think It’s Time We’re Due?
Unfortunately, there’s no way to stop a hurricane from impacting your home. However, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones during an emergency. Hurricanes can cause extensive damage to homes and vehicles, and one of the biggest concerns is flooding. The heavy rain and storm surges caused by hurricanes can devastate a home.
Many people assume that flooding is covered under their homeowner’s insurance, but that’s not the case. Flood insurance is a separate policy. If your home is damaged or destroyed by hurricane flooding and you don’t have flood insurance, you’d be responsible for covering the repairs or rebuilding costs out of pocket.
Keep in mind that flood insurance has a 30-day waiting period. You can’t purchase it at the last minute when a Category 3 hurricane is already on its way. Flood insurance is the only way to ensure you’re fully protected and able to recover after the storm.
For more information, visit our flood insurance page and request your free quote today!
Hurricane Preparedness Before a Hurricane

- Hurricane Preparedness: Prepare an emergency kit and make a family communications plan. (Click Here)
- Know your surroundings, the elevation level of your property, and whether the land is prone to flood. Also identify levees and dams that may pose a hazard.
- Learn evacuation routes.
- If in a high-rise building, be prepared to take shelter on or below the 10th floor.
Important Documents to Gather and Have Available
- Insurance Documents–Home Insurance, Auto Insurance, etc.
- Medical Documents and Insurance ID cards
- Bank Account Numbers
- Social Security Cards
- Proper Identification–Licenses and Passports.
Hurricane Preparedness During and After the Storm
- Contact your insurance company immediately after sustaining property or automotive damage.
- When safe to do so, protect the property from any further damage by making all necessary temporary/emergency repairs, contact a restoration company, and keep records for your insurance carrier for reimbursement.
- Take photographs or video of all damage and make sure if you have to remove any damaged items from your premises that you store them somewhere safe for your adjuster to see.
- As soon as you are able, prepare a detailed inventory listing of all damaged or destroyed property. You should include a description and quantity of the item, date of purchase, original cost, and estimated replacement cost for the item.
Other useful links:
Hurricanes cause heavy rains that can cause extensive flood damage in coastal and inland areas. Everyone is at risk and should consider flood insurance protection. Flood insurance is the only way to financially protect your property or business from flood damage. To learn more about your flooding risk and how to protect yourself and your business, visit the Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration (NFIP) Web site, www.floodsmart.gov or call 1-800-427-2419.