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Total Customer Experience – A Utility Company

Total Customer Experience – A Utility Company

I have to say, that I had an unexpected pleasant customer experience with a utility company today.

I called because we were having an issue here at Huff Insurance.  And you know how it is to get to get to a live person these days, you have to go through a maze of automated prompts and/or verbal answers, which in itself starts to set my expectations at a lower level.

So after a combination of pressing 1’s and 2’ and answering some yes’s and no’s, I get through to a service rep, who was obviously using a scripted greeting in a robotic manner, further lessening my expectations. I understand using scripts to make sure everyone is being consistent, but the delivery of that script is also important in setting expectation levels.

After explaining the issue and running a remote test, he came to the same conclusion that I had already expected, that we need a service rep to come out to fix the problem.

But it was this part that was the pleasant surprise.  It was about 10am and he said he could have a technician out today between 1pm and 5pm.  That’s right, same day service…..and he said was as surprised as I was that there was availability today.  So we scheduled the appointment to get the problem fixed.

After I hung up the phone, I got me thinking about customer expectations of businesses.  My expectations were that I would try to get someone out here tomorrow, but really expected nothing earlier than Wednesday (with today being Monday).  Should it really be a surprise that I am able to get same ay service from a company that I pay thousands of dollars to each year?  It really shouldn’t be, but that is what it has come down to, based on my prior experiences and stories that I have heard.

So basically over the years, they have delivered their service in such a manner, that I did not expect to have a great experience.  My expectations when I picked up the phone was that it would take a while to get to a rep and when I did, they would not be able to come out for two or 3 days and I would have to fight to try to get someone out the next day.

In essence, my expectations, as a customer was that I was going to have a terrible experience.  And after thinking about it, there are too many businesses and government agencies that we deal with on a regular basis that we dread having to call because we “know” that we are going to have a terrible experience when dealing with them.

As a business owner, that is a frightening thought.  I could not imagine running a business knowing that the customers expect a bad experience every time they have to communicate with us. By the nature of our business at Huff Insurance, we cannot guarantee that every experience a great experience.  But we want you to expect a great experience every time you dial our number or walk through our doors.

Huff Insurance is a full service Independent Insurance Agent We have been dedicated to Protecting Lifestyles™ since 1960. We offer a full array of Personal Insurance, Commercial Insurance and Life Insurance & Health Insurance products. Call us at 410-647-111

Jerry Nicklow

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