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Pool Safety Tips

Pool Safety Tips – Don’t Let A Tragic Accident Drown Your Finances

Night party of people in the pool. Pool Safety TipsAccording to The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, drowning is the second leading cause of death for children aged 1 to 14. Everyday about 10 people die from unintentional drowning. You should take extra precaution to make sure it doesn’t happen to someone you know.  We will go over some pool safety tips to keep in mind.

Pools are designed to be fun for your friends and family.  So please take a look at the following pool safety tips to keep the fun going.

Pool safety tips for swimmers, parents, and supervisors:

  • Teach your children what to do in case of an emergency.
  • Provide competent supervision.  Don’t be under the influence while watching children swim.  You’ll have slower reaction times.
  • Always remind babysitters of pool safety and your pool rules.
  • Don’t use a floatation device as a substitute for adult supervision.  Floatation devices may not be able to save children.
  • Never swim alone.  Even though children and adults know how to swim, they still may have an accident.
  • Walk, don’t run, around the pool.
  • Never rough house around the pool.  Someone could slip and get seriously injured.
  • Don’t chew gum or eat while you swim.  You may choke.
  • Keep a phone near the pool in case an emergency happens
  • Be careful swimming with animals.  Dogs tend to “grab” things and may pull you under.

Safety tips for pool owners:

  • Cover all sharp edges around and in the pool
  • Replace worn out non-slip material
  • Enclose pool with a fence
  • Keep life saving devices near the pool
  • Maintain watch over everyone in and around the pool
  • Make sure the walkways are well lit and clear of any objects someone may trip on
  • Remove toys from the pool when finished swimming so children don’t try to retrieve them when unsupervised
  • Remove ladders from an above ground pool when finished swimming
  • Keep pool the clean.
  • Always remember to reapply sunscreen and never drink and swim.
  • Most importantly stay safe and have fun.

Review you insurance protection plan

Having a pool increases the chances of someone getting hurt on your property.  Because of the increased risk, you should review your insurance protection plan before you open your pool.

You should carry the maximum liability insurance coverage on your homeowners insurance policy.  Most home insurance companies will go up to $500,000 for liability limits.

We also recommend getting an umbrella insurance policy for an extra layer of liability insurance protection for the pool.  You should have at least a $2,000,000 umbrella limit.  We recommend increasing it as much as you can afford.

Think about what the lawsuit will look like if someone tragically drowns in your pool.   We hear the news stories every year.  Families are enjoying their time at the pool, and then tragically, they discover that a child or other family member has drowned.

You want to make sure you have the best insurance plan in place.  You can never predict when a tragic accident will happen.  But you can prepare for the worst case scenario.

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